New Norse Literature in English Translation

Jostein Fet


13 på lager


New Norse (Nynorsk) Literature
represents an important part of Norwegian literature after 1850. It includes prominent writers such as Ivar Aasen, A.O. Vinje, Arne Garborg, Olav Aukrus, Olav Duun, Tarjei Vesaas, Halldis Moren Vesaas, Olav H. Hauge, and some of the most outstanding Norwegian poets and novelists of recent years.

This Bibliography
gives a thorough survey of New Norse poems, novels, short stories and plays rendered into English since 1880, when the first translation of a Nynorsk novel was published in Chicago. The bibliography also includes translations of Norwegian tales, legends, ballads, and folk songs, originally written in modified regional dialects.
In addition, well over 60 Norwegian authors and about 130 translators are listed in the book, with brief biographical and literary notes about each of them.
A list of titels of poems and first lines of songs completes the bibliography.

Jostein Fet
b. 1924 in Sykkylven, Norway, is associate professor of Norwegian literature at Møre og Romsdal distriktshøgskule, Volda. He has published a literary anthology, Sunnmørsdiktarar 1600-1975 (1977; Poets of Sunnmøre). His special field of study is the amateur literature fostered by the rural population of Norway in the 18th and 19th centuries.
In 1980–81 he visited the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where the preliminary work on this bibliography was done.


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